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With over 8.5 million companies and executives, Nigeria24 is the most comprehensive free source of up-to-date company and business information. We intelligently link data on companies, individuals and markets from public sources to help small and micro enterprises build and expand their business relationships. » More about Nigeria24

You want to manage risks, sell more or identify backgrounds? At Nigeria24 you will find knowledge that you can use immediately. We collect business information on a daily basis - and link everything so intelligently that you can see at a glance what is important.

We search a large number of sources for our database. The result: Over 34 million facts on everything that is important in the Nigerian economy. Updated daily.

Nigeria24 links this data intelligently and makes it usable. Not only for large companies that can afford large investments in Big Data. But with affordable premium offers also for small and medium-sized companies. And with many free services for anyone interested in business. « Hide details

Our customer service is available for you from monday to friday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Please write your request as detailed as possible so that we can understand and answer your request in detail. Also remember that an image (such as an error message) is often more meaningful than a simple message. We would also like to ask you to send us a link whenever you contact a specific profile or a specific page, as this greatly simplifies the solution to the problem.


28A Providence Street, Lekki Phase 1